Monday night was the premiere of our TLC specials! We were so excited to finally see how everything came together from the filming! When we were originally approached by this production company, one thing that we really liked was that they wanted to do something a little different from other multiples reality shows----they wanted to focus more on the FUN and less on the drama. Now I know that I am completely biased, since it is my family, but I loved how the shows turned out! I thought they were laugh-out-loud funny and I loved that they tried to show each of the kids personalities. When they were over, I was left wanting more. I heard that they have about a 400 to 1 ratio for these shows----about 400 hours of filming for every 1 that makes it to the final cut, which tells you that they had to cut out A LOT of stuff and be really selective to tell the story.
Some of my favorite parts of the shows:
The Crib Cam---we knew that there was a lot of partying going on in there are night, but we had no idea just how much!
Jayson's Dance Party---the looks on the kids faces was priceless!
The diaper malfunction---perfect example of Murphy's Law
Baby Jail---I love the on-screen titles that listed the crimes
The Van Scrape---yes, this one is a bit embarrassing for me, but I have had several people ask, so I thought I would clarify---it was all REAL! I really scraped the van, I really peaked out and saw nothing, We really did not find the scrape until our first stop for gas on the trip, and what you saw on TV were the actual moments when we discovered it!
We had a big party with our friends to watch the premiere episodes. We set up a large screen with projector in a friend's backyard (Thank you Wilcox and Woods families!). I rolled out the "red carpet" and made everyone have their picture taken like they were at a "real" premiere. Despite the fact that it started to sprinkle 30 minutes before the party was supposed to start (what is it with me and parties and rain, anyway???) everything turned out GREAT! It was so much fun! All the kids loved seeing themselves. Rustin started crying when he watched his balloon go up in the sky---it was sad and sweet at the same time. Kyndall got upset when I started to get attacked with water balloons at the family party. I think some of their favorite parts were the special transitions---like Rustin finger-painting on the screen. When we watched the shows again at home, they wanted me to rewind that part over and over again, while they giggled like crazy.
The Quints on the "Red Carpet": Kassidy, Ryder, Kyndall, Kaydence and Rustin
The "Red Carpet" in the front
The "Red Carpet" and photo backdrop in the back
Goodie Table
I was so excited when I found these napkins on clearance at Michaels....they were perfect for our party :-)
Wilkinson Family on the "Red Carpet"
Getting ready for the show to start...we turned on "Dora" to entertain the little ones before "Texas Quints" started.
Kyndall, Kassidy, Ryder, Rustin and Kaydence watch the premiere!
I have had several people ask if there are going to be more episodes, and at this point it is up to TLC! We will let you know when we hear something! In the mean time, if you would like to tell TLC that you want more "Texas Quints", you can leave some feedback on their website HERE. (Note: I have discovered that Texas Quints is not listed in the drop down show menu, making it difficult to leave a comment...I'm checking into it.)
Thanks for all your support! We have loved reading all your emails, comments on the blog, and posts on facebook!

"Texas Quints" Premiere Party
Hi! I've been a blog follower for a long time now. I wanted to let you know that I had to visit the ER on Monday night and while I was in my room I saw your show come on! I was so excited & I watched 2 episodes. The nurse asked me what I was watching so I told her about you and your family and she watched it with me for a few minutes. It turned out great and I was so exhausted for you after watching it! You are the woman!
I just found your blog. I was flipping through the channels the other night, up late with my little one. I came across your show. I loved it! It was awesome to see someone with the same values as me on TV for once. You are an amazing woman and you seem to juggle it all. Thanks for being a good example to the world. Good luck!
Hi, I too have followed your blog for awhile and I was very impressed by the whole show. It was a nice change to the other mulitple shows and yes, I did have some laugh out loud moments too...Hope to see more of the quints and the rest of the family....
LOVED watching the show after reading your blog for a year or so now! We ran some errands but I told my husband I had to be home to see your shows! I loved little Rustin's fingerpainting transitions too!! Looks like you all have alot of fun in the day to day!
The show was very cute! It was fun to see your kids in action. (I have read your blog for awhile now)I hope they do more shows!
I have followed your blog before your sweet babies were born, and was just tickled pink to watch the shows. Your children's personalities really came through.
It was nice to see good old fashioned family fun and escapades. You set a great example of a busy yet devoted mother. Yes your hands are full, but clearly your heart is full as well. Good work Rachelle.
Thank you for all the hard work it must have been. I would hope that TLC would want to do more, if that is what you all are comfortable with.
I talked to one of the ladies at work and she said that she loved how you are obviously thinking intelligent parents. And she loved that it showed you as a loving couple.
I missed the show. is it going to be on again, is it online somewhere? thanks
I LOVED every minute of it! I have heard cute little stories about the quints from Tiare, but it was so fun to see them on TV!
I used to watch all those other multiple shows, and yours is the best by far! Your kids have the cutest personalities. I loved poor Rustin's face when his balloons got lost. I also loved hearing "That didn't sound good" when you scraped the van. Too cute.
I have been reading and enjoying your blog for quite a while now and I just want to ask you... have you thought the t.v. program out all the way? Are you sure you want to submit your precious children to today's media? I don't think it is fair for you to make the decision for your kids. If the show becomes a hit like some of the other reality shows, you can look forward to your kids being followed by cameras in years to come and while they go through their teenage angst and make poor decisions. 'Kids on t.v.' often turn out ugly in later years. Think of the kids, not the money.
As a long time stranger/blog reader, it was so fun to see all of you on TV! I loved it, and agree it was more fun than the other multiples shows.
It left me wanting more too! Oh, but hearing all of that crying really made me feel for you! And the bedtime craziness, wow. I don't know how you don't let that stress you out. If my twins don't go to sleep right away it stresses me out thinking about how tired they'll be the next day.
I was hysterical the whole time! Those crib cams were hilarious!!
I am going to the website right now to request more!! They were both awesome and I am crossing my fingers for more!
Looks like such a great party! What a great idea!!
I love that you had a red carpet party. So very creative of you Rachelle. I really miss you guys and sometimes I wish we still lived in Texas.
It was a wonderful show. I loved everything. Especially when you went in the house with Kyndall and the power was off. Perfect example of how real life works.
Tell Riley I think he is getting sooo TALL!
PLEASE choose the kids having a real childhood and don't be selfish and go for the money and fame.
I'm sorry I missed the party but I did watch it at my neighbor's house! I loved it! Good job guys!
I totally enjoyed watching your family! It was so fun since I feel like I know you even though I haven't met you. I also loved Jayson's was great :) You are one brave lady to take 7 kids grocery shopping. I try to avoid taking my two! I hope they continue your show :)
Hey Rachelle, I've been following your blog for a long time, and I always love the adorable pictures...but my favorite thing is that you are such a down to earth and loving mom. I loved watching the Texas Quints show, it was so funny. I hope there are more shows! :)
I have loved reading your blog for a while. I live in Southern Texas and have 4 kids. I am always motivated and entertained by your family. I love how you live the gospel and share it with others. I couldn't wait for TLC's show about your family! I was not disappointed! You two are so great with your kids. What little blessings! I sure hope they have more!
I absolutely loved the show! My twins are, like some of your quints, very spirited. I was so impressed watching you keep your cool through all of that crying during the road trip. I don't think I could do that! Anyway, your kids are all absolutely precious and it is clear from the episodes that you and Jayson are awesome parents.
I loved your episodes! They were totally fun and I could tell that they weren't scripted! Ya'll are great examples of LDS families that are happy and well adjusted! I hope there are more to come!
Hi wilkinson family! I've been following your blog for a long time now, and I just want to say that your family looks amazing! I am french so I'm sorry if my english is not so good! I was wondering if there was any way that i could see the "texas quints". I didn't have the chance to saw it, and I just want to know if you or anybody else could post it on youtube for example.Thank you and God bless your family!
I've followed you since your crew was born, but... there's something a blog really can't show... all the crying. Oh my goodness. My dh and I lasted 45 minutes when our stressful day got the best of us and we had to say goodnight to your kids. I think God gives an extra (or five in your case) dose of patients when you have multiples. I've determind that my one is a combo of Rustin & Kyndall. I'm thankful she came alone. However I did fertility treatments to have her and at the time was hoping for two so I could be done. Thank goodness God knows best!
I totally stayed up to watch the show at 10 pm here. It was so fun!!! The crib cam was definitely my favorite. I was wondering if you got a chance to see that at all while it was happening. Those girls are crazy. I hope to see more! You are my hero!
Your outdoor, down-home red carpet idea was brilliant. I sure wish I could have access to the show here in Taiwan! It sounds like this entire project has been an incredibly fun experience, and what a treat this will be for them to watch over and over as they get older. I hope you'll be able to do more episodes because it sounds like it's been a positive experience for your whole family.
It cracks me up that the couple of people who think they know what the overall outcome of your accepting offers for more shows will lead to--greed and selfishness and not thinking of the kids--don't have guts to identify themselves.
May your future be filled with hope and your adventures with those adorable seven kids continue to be like heaven on earth, and keep on doing what you're doing!
Are you worried about possible jealousys from the older children. Their names aren't even addressed in the title. They are clearly given a back seat in the whole production. They were in your family first, and now they come in 6th and 7th.
At this point, I am not worried about Riley and Kaiya. It might have looked to you like they took a back seat in the production, but they DO NOT take a back seat in our family. We try very hard to make sure that ALL of our children feel loved and appreciated. I don't know if you have seen our YouTube videos, but one of the reasons we started doing the Quint Olympics videos is so that we could do something together as a whole family---I think that Riley and Kaiya are the real stars of the Quint Olympic videos.
To answer another question...I am sure the shows will be replayed sometime, but I haven't seen them on the schedule yet. I'll post something on the blog when I hear something!
Just be careful about the T.V. thing. I have triplets and I definately wouldn't subject them to that kind of life. Sorry I just have bad feelings about this kind of stuff. Especially after seeing other families of multiples going on T.V. and their marriage ending. All I'm saying is just think of your kids and be careful in your decisions.
Love the red carpet party! How creative...We loved seeing your cute family on never cease to amaze. We thought Rustin's coloring on the screen was hilarious! Hope TLC is smart and decides to revisit the WILKINSON QUINTS! I'd be hooked!
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