Soon after I realized I was going to be the mother of seven children, I knew that we would have to do the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme for Halloween some year. That thought was reinforced a couple of years ago when my fellow quintmom, Sara Tyre (who also has quints plus 2) did it with her family. This year seemed like my best chance---the quints were old enough to be great dwarfs and Riley and Kaiya were young enough not to protest too much. GG helped me with the costumes (she did the hard stuff like the boots and hats) and I think they turned out totally cute! I let the kids decide what color shirt and hat they wanted---of course they mostly chose "their" colors. I couldn't find a yellow shirt, so Kaydence ended up with light blue. She chose a yellow hat, but at the last minute, we couldn't find Rustin's blue hat anywhere! Fortunately, we had a "prototype" dark pink hat and Kaydence graciously let Rustin wear her yellow hat
Our church has a Halloween Trunk-or-Treat every year and I was amazed that the beards and hats actually stayed on until the very end. When it came to actual trick-or-treating, most of the kids ditched the beards after the first few houses..

That witch is really scary. The kids look darling and the prince and princess are perfect.
Fantastic!! You all look adorable. You did such an excellent job on the costumes. So cute.
So cute!
Love it!!! ALL of you look great!!
What a great costume theme for your family, loved it!
Waouh !
The costumes were so cute. I love them.
Marie, from France
I show your show last night and fell in love with you guys : )I enjoyed having an insight into your day!
Absolutely adorable! You make a great Snow White, and the picture of you with the witch is awesome. Your seven dwarfs (and prince) were so cute too!
Great costumes. Did your friend know you all were doing the Snow White theme and that's why she did the witch?
Too awesome Rachelle! I love the costumes!
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