...But I was wrong!
Rustin recently had to get glasses! He "failed" his vision screening at his 4-year check-up, so I took him to see a pediatric optometrist. Turns out he does have a few issues with his eyes, so the glasses help a lot! He was always a little slower at learning things like the alphabet before and had a harder time with our preschool activities, but now I realize it was because he couldn't see. I think he is absolutely adorable in the new glasses (which we had to special order because he insisted on having BLUE). So far he is doing great with them, but he is all boy, so I am sure it is only a matter of time before they get broken :-)

I didn't think he could get any cuter...
He's sp cute :)
He always has looked a lot like Riley but now you can really tell their brothers.
He is adorable!!! FYI - did you know that you can get children's eyeglasses for $39 at Walmart and they will guarantee them for a year? I learned the hard way by spending more than I needed to - so I thought I would pass it on. My Robert decided to see if he had the flexible glasses in Kindergarten - he didn't!
so cute! i have one in glasses and i think he looks so handsome in them :) but be prepared...i think we're on our 9th pair? maybe 10th? there are a few good "cheap" glasses websites out there if you need some cheap replacements...
What a cutie! And now he's just like his big bro :) Hopefully he'll wait a few months to break the first pair :)
What a cutie!!! He looks so smart!!
Very cute! I'm sure he thinks they are super cool since Riley has glasses.
P.S. Max REALLY wants glasses. Now another cousin has them, so he will want them even more. :)
Found your blog a couple of weeks ago!! And have read it from start to finish!!! You are an amazing mother!! And all 7 of your children are just gorgeous if I was allowed to have favourites Rustin and kaydence!!! ;) he's cute in his glasses!!! But it's not fun having them once u get them!! I really wanted them as a child and got them living in Australia and going to the beach or pools not fun ;) but anyway... Thought I'd let u know u definitely have a new fan!!!
Lots of love from Lauren in sydney Australia! Xx
He is a little cutie!!!! If anyone can pull off glasses, it's him! And Mom told me he threw a big fit over the blue glasses situation! haha!
What a cutie! I thought maybe it was a 'special' haircut or something ... until I scrolllllled.
Those glasses might just be chick magnets!
Glasses are great... but I am so looking forward to getting Lasik in 5 weeks from now! Rustin (and Riley) both look very handsome in their glasses!!
Oh! He is absolutely adorable with glasses!! And looks like a mini Riley, except with red hair (which I absolutely love!)
It doesn't surprise me that he had to have blue glasses. And it doesn't surprise me how cute he is in them either. Heartbreaker alert!
Walmat is good with the warranty, but with a rough and tumble child myself, we get several pairs from Zenni Optical. They have great glasses there for under $10 a pair. And she got different colors to wear.
Dear Rachelle, Yes he COULD get cuter. When I was nine I began with glasses- always got blue-and orange octagon frames. It became my trademark. If he breaks a few pr- so what? I can assure you once he is really in school- age 7 and beyond he won't break any.
And the photos of the dino park outing are precious!!
Have a great Advent season! I have your calendar on my wish list, and my parents live near a Costco... hmm... Dinah
He is so adorable! I just love his sweet little smile.
My little guy (who will be 7 next week) got glasses at 4 yrs old. He always requests "blue" ones too! I thought the transition to glasses would be hard but it has made a world of difference. Now that he is in 1st grade we have finally gotten his prescription just about perfect. Best of luck with Rustin and his new handsome glasses!
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