For Z week (about a year ago---still trying to catch up!), the Zoophilous group of pre-schoolers decided we needed to take a trip to the Zoo to see the Zebras and other Zoo residents. We had a Groupon (I love good dealZ) for a Zoo near our Zip Code, so we decided to check it out.
We Zipped down to the Zoo in our siZeable van. This Zoo was unlike any other we have been to. It was small -- not a whole lot of animals, but those that were there we were able to get pretty close to.
The Zany bunch, buZZing with excitement to see the animals!
Zooming down the path.
The goat was all Zipped up to see us!
We ran into this pony, just ZigZagging along the trail....when I said we could get close to the animals, I meant it!
Fortunately this one was behind bars!
Caught this bear getting some Zzzzz's
This Zingy camel was nice enough to smile and pose for our picture.
The highlight of the Zoic expedition was not the animals, but playing in the leaves!
Sadly, the Zebra's were Zoned off way in the back...this was as close as we could get to the them!