First and foremost is my mother (aka "Mimi"). My mom has always been my #1 fan. She has been a huge support to me throughout my life, and especially these past three years. She is a great mother and a wonderful example to me, and I only hope that I can be the kind of mother to my children that she has been to me.
Next is my mother-in-law, Sylvia. She is the epitome of a fun grandma. She tells great stories and is always coming up with creative games to play or activities to do with her grandkids. We share a love of cooking and she has taught me a lot!
Another inspiring woman in my life is Cassaundra. She is one of those people who is constantly giving of herself, her time and her talents. It is partly because of her that Jayson and I have been able to maintain a strong relationship, despite all the chaos these past three years---she watches the kids every few weeks so that Jayson and I can get a much-needed date night!
My good friend, Natalie, has also been an inspiration to me. She has a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I have been impressed by the way she has been able to instill strong moral values in her children. She has also been great at helping me to step outside my comfort zone every once in a while and let the kids do things like play in the dirt!
Barbara has been a devoted friend from the very beginning. She continues to help on a regular basis and is always willing to come over whenever I need her. She and Virginia watch the babies for several hours one day a week so that I can run errands. I am so grateful to them for giving me a weekly "day off". Barbara has a great sense of humor and always makes me smile when she is around.
Tammy is one of those people for which the glass is always "half full" instead of "half empty". No matter what challenges she is facing in her life, she always has such a positive outlook. Early on, she developed a special relationship with Ryder. Every Sunday she takes Ryder during chuch and she often comes to get Ryder to take him on little outings and give him some individual attention. It is wonderful to have people who truly love your children!
Being a mother is the hardest thing I ever done, but it is also the most rewarding. I am so grateful for all of these women and many more who inspire me every day and help me to be a better mother!
Happy Mother's Day!!!

What a wonderful post!
You inspire me. I look at the lovely calendar of your family on my kitchen wall each day. And when I'm feeling life is a little challenging with a child who has multiple disabilities and the other child who has far too much energy, I stop and thank God for my family and the fact there are only two of them!!
You are amazing and thank you for reminding me to thank God for my Blessings.
Happy Mother's Day from Australia!
That's a beautiful post and I loved reading about all the special women in your life. I'm sure your right on their list also for being an amazing mother with all the adorable children you have.
What a beautiful tribute to the women in your lives. I so appreciate your thankful heart. I know they love helping you!!
First comment, but have enjoyed your blog from the very beginning and have loved watching your kiddos grow and develop!! Isn't God good??!!
Those are some great ladies! How was your Mothers Day?
This was such a lovely post to honor all these wonderfu women and mothers in your life. I've met many of these great women and think it is such a blessing for all of you to be connected. Belated Happy Mother's day.
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