Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz
Height: 25.5 inches
Superpowers: Super-smile and infectious laugh, turbo-speed "army" crawl
Health prognosis: no known medical issues
Name: Rustin aka "Red"
Age: 9 months
Weight: 17 lbs
Height: 26.25 inches
Accomplishments: First and fastest crawler, pulls up to standing on furniture
Known Weaknesses: "Grass is greener" complex--always wants someone else's toy
Superpowers: "Bulldozer" crawl--he lets nothing get in his way
Health prognosis: Eczema, super-sensitive skin (the sacrifice you have to make for having great red hair!)
Name: Kyndall aka "Peanut"
Age: 9 months
Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz
Height: 25.75 inches
Accomplishments: Second to crawl on hands and knees, finally eating baby foods without force
Known Weaknesses: because of her small size, many children (most notably my own) confuse her with a baby doll
Superpowers: Pilate's expert (loves the plank position) and projectile vomiting (though this power is starting to fade)
Health prognosis: Needs to gain more weight

Age: 9 months
Weight: 16 lb 11 oz
Height: 27.25 inches
Accomplishments: Can hold bottle by himself (when he's in the mood), champion jumper
Known Weaknesses: fairly immobile, easy to bully
Superpowers: Huge heart-melting smile, super-flirt
Health prognosis: lingering ear infection

Name: Kaiya aka "Princess"
Age: 5 years, 2 months
Weight: 41.5 lbs
Height: 42 inches
Accomplishments: recently learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels
Known Weaknesses: finds unusual places for dirty clothes, hums when she eats food she likes
Superpowers: dancing dynamo, extremely clever and a little too smart
Health prognosis: no known health issues
Name: Riley aka "Jedi"
Age: 7 years 10.5 months
Weight: 52.5 lbs
Height: 46.5 inches
Accomplishments: starts swim team this week, straight "A" student
Known Weaknesses: can be very emotional, homework procrastinator
Superpowers: awsome reading skills, super creative, magnificent memorizer
Health prognosis: no known health issues

Fantastic post!! I loved reading the updates on all the kids!
I knew Kyndall was small, but i didn't realise just how much smaller than the rest she is!
What size clothes are they all in?
Loved this idea... may ust use it ;)
I can't believe the babies are 9 months old!! They are all so beautiful and look so healthy!!
I can't believe the difference in size with Kyndall compared to the other babies!! She IS a peanut :)
Super Duper Post!! This post is so creative Rachelle. I love all the nicknames, weaknesses, and strengths.
Your kids are getting so big! I can't believe the babies are 9 months old already. Max keeps asking if when we move, we will be closer to you guys. I wish we could come and see you! Fun post!
Wow, it's amazing to see how much they have changed over the last nine months and to see their personalities evolving. All your children are beautiful! Their "super powers" cracked me up =)
I loved all your updates! Your little ones are all so sweet. That group photo is priceless!
Kaiya is exactly the same size (to the pound and inch) as my just-turned six-year-old daughter Brenna. I just had to comment on that! :)
And congrats on being halfway to nursery! As another LDS mommy, I know what a huge help milestone that is... times five in your case!
I've followed your journey since your pregnancy and have loved reading about your darling family. Thank you for sharing! Feel free to visit my blog: www.withasmile.wordpress.com
Melissa :)
great picts and update...it was SO much fun to have your fam over tonight!
I want to know why the parents didn't feature themselves in this post because I convinced that the two of you have multiple super powers!
I mean where do you think the kids get them from after all?
Wonderful post!! Happy Nine Months babies!!!
Sooo fun!! I love reading about them. I love the superpowers.
That was so fun to read! Everyone is looking so big! Looks like Riley is getting ready to be baptized soon--how exciting!
Just thought you'd want to know that Hannah had that urinary reflux and grew out of it.
The babies are all super to me, but Rustin has his hold on my heart with his redness!
the superpowers are all yours . . . superparents.
HI- you don't know me but my friend led me to your blog and i have to say that you make me happy! to see your beautiful family and how well you all are doing is so great! but for the eczema, Baby Arbonne, my daughter had it really bad, and that was the only thing that cleared her up. it was just an idea. you probably tried it already, but i just thought i would let you know anyway.
thanks for such a fun blog!
They all just get cuter and cuter! You are doing such a wonderful job thank you so much for sharing with us.
You have such beautiful children! I love how organized you are, too! I am expecting quads and I would love more details on how you keep up with the individual charts on each child. Do you have a sample chart I might be able to copy? I am trying my best to prepare now for the babies' arrival! I cannot imagine how I will do this all on my own! But, I do know that I need to keep careful records of all the feedings, diapers, and meds like you have been. Any other tips you may have for organizing and keeping everything accounted for would be most appreciated!!! Thank you!
Congratulations!! Send me an email and I will send you the files for my charts.
Chan quintuplets was born thursday may 1st
and an other set will be born this week at 33 weeks
A great big WOW! Yes those are seven of my adorable grand kids.
Loved this post!
So cute. Your children are adorable.
Well I have a question. I hope you will answer it.
A while ago you or Jayson posted a picture of Riley's certificate which says his nfull name is Jayson Riley, Do the other children also have more names or is it only Riley. If yes, what are there names?
That was so fun to read!!! You didn't include yourself or Jayson!!! I expect that next time!!!! Your super power list would ENDLESS!!!!! What is it that you can't do Rachelle???
Answers to a few questions:
Buggles--The babies are wearing size 6-9 month clothes now, but I will probably start trying out some 12 month clothes soon.
Anonymous--Riley is the only one who goes by his middle name (full name = Jayson Riley Wilkinson). Both the other boys have middle names:
Rustin Curtis Wilkinson
Ryder Nelson Wilkinson
Curtis is my maiden name and Nelson is Jayson's mom's maiden name.
None of the girls have middle names and neither do I, unless you count my maiden name.
Rachelle & Jayson - I'm sure you hear this a lot, but your babies have got to be five of the most beautiful babies on the planet (actually, all seven of your children are adorable!) Your posts are always so wonderful and positive to read--never once do you complain! God bless you and your family :-)
BEAUTIFUL family! :D Kudos to mom for making it thus far with such loving detail to each! :)
What a wonderful post! Love seeing how all the babies, and Kaiya and Riley are doing. I can hardly tell the difference between Kassidy and Kaydence!
My little guy is 8 months and there are no signs of teeth yet...or crawling!
Ohio quintuplets born at GSM Hospital (3rd in 1 week, it's an epidemy !!)
The Blatt - 4 girls & 1 boy - were born May 8th, following at 31w5d, at GSM.
The Blatts also have a 17-month-old daughter, Emily.
the next quints for Dr Eliott will be the Howells (24w)
small questions : have you the contact or a club with the other family quints who's born with dr Eliott ?
and what his secret for have th record of longest gestations and big weights ?
Do you read all of these comments? I could totally tell that Ryder has a sweet spirit just by the picture of him I can't imagine how sweet he really must be to be able to see it in a simple oicture. They are amazing and so are you. Happy Mothers day!
Yep, I read them all. I love getting comments---they make my day!
They are each so different and so beautiful!!! I had a couple with the spikey hair - it does eventually lay down :) I hope you don't mind - I've been lingering on your site. You have such a wonderful family.
Your kids are so cute !!!!
You mad a comment that Rustin? has excema.... would you like me to send you a product called INVISBLE GLOVE that a guy here is Australia developed, apparently he had psoriasis and it is a natural product for those who have excema and psoriasis. People here have been raving about it. Please email me and I will get your address if you would like me to send you some
Trudy Eley
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