The stash of presents---it almost looks like Christmas! It seems like a ton of presents until you divide by five.
Since we already had a Little Tikes kitchen, we figured we needed to even things out with a tool workbench. We found a great one on Craigslist and the boys loved the hard hats!
Kassidy was more excited about holding the gift bags than she was about seeing what was in them. Of the five, she is the one that I think looks and acts the most like me, so it is only fitting that she looks like she just got home from the mall :-) I am going to have to train her in my bargain shopping ways...
Grandma and Grandpa Wilkinson got smart and gave all five babies the same thing so that there would be no fights----they each got a toy camera. If the cameras were real, we would have lots of pictures of foreheads, since they all (including Ryder pictured above) held the camera up backwards.
The most fought over gifts were the baby doll strollers. We got them three, thinking that would be plenty, but we were wrong :-) We even brought down Kaiya's old baby doll stroller, but we were still one short.
Kaydence is victorious, Kyndall is not happy about the defeat
Kassidy and Kaydence--Eventually they got creative and started pushing each other around in the strollers
Rustin and Kaiya with another favorite----Baby Elmo
I made cupcakes in each of the babies colors so they could each have their own cake to eat.
Ready for Cake: Kassidy, Ryder, Kyndall, Rustin and Kaydence
The crowd of onlookers as the babies blew out their candles
The girls didn't care much for the cake, but the boys sure had fun with it! Rustin even started stealing cake from nearby siblings!
I'll post pictures of our trip to Arizona in a few days. In the mean time, watch us on TONIGHT (Aug 30th) in "Multitude of Multiples" on TLC at 7:00 pm/8:00 pm eastern. After the program, check back here to see the Quint Olympics episode featured in the show!

Greetings from Ireland, Wilkinsons! I got hooked on your story way back in the summer of 2007 but haven't checked back in here in quite a while. Lovely to see you all had a good day on the big day! God bless you all... M xx
I can't believe they're 2 already! They're all so big! I think Kaydence definitely looks like Kaiya, at least in these pictures.
So cute!!! Three of them really got into the cupcake destruction. We pretty much have to have four of everything at our house. And every trip to the library I have to tell them in advance who gets to push the button to open each door to avoid a fight.
My triplets are 3 1/2 and still aren't potty-trained. I have tried at least 3 times. I can tell we're close now though! Good luck when the time comes for your potty camp!
I just caught most of your segment on TLC... so I have autotuned it at 8pm when it comes on again.
Great job!
and 5 two year olds... kudos to YOU Rachelle... and anyone that helps you out.
Your babies are sooo adorable! I found your blog through another blog And it just happens that I'm watching TLC right.this.second and just saw you guys!!! =)
PS--I really LOVED your post "Moments of Cuteness". You summed up the adventure of parenthood/multiples so well, and in a positive and loving way. They are such a blessing and challenge at the same time. You are so blessed to have 7 healthy children.
They are so cute! We just finished watching the show and we wish they would have showed much more of your family.
Such sweet birthday pics..I agree..they definitely could have shown WAY MORE of your family tonight! Have a blessed week!
You were the comic relief tonight for sure, such a treat to see all of you on TLC.
Looks like the Terrific Two Year olds had a Terrific party.
Loved the group shot, so many people that I recognize in that photo. You are blessed with great friends who continue to give you all great support.
Love all of the pics, can the kids get any cuter? We also watched "Multitude of Multiples" and enjoyed seeing your family on there. :)
I DVR'd the show and finally watched it tonight. So cute, and I am totally stealing your "baby jail" idea for my twins!!!
Love all the cute.
I can't believe they're 2 already!!! Baci from Italy, Dayana
They are getting so big! I've been a blog lurker for awhile now and love seeing them grow. My little girl was a 26 wker and even though I only have 1 child I can still relate to them being small like her etc. The baby stroller has also always been a huge hit with Emma. I hope you guys can get one more. I think we found Emma's for maybe $6 at ToysRUs or close to it. Happy Birthday quints!
Shopping carts! That's the ticket (we overbought for his 2nd birthday, so I decided to hold off. But I'm watching Craigslist for a Christmas shopping cart). you won't need as many strollers if you also have shopping carts.
My son has not finished opening his gifts yet (one way I know I bought too much). Opened the Duplos first, then wanted to go play and spent the rest of the day on that. At his party, opened a couple of things, then wanted to play in the Police car. We've gotten him to open the last gift from family. But he's just not interested in the wrapped gifts so I think they are getting pushed back to Christmas now. Its nearly 5 weeks after his birthday after all!
I love the stroller debacle! That is hilarious. Strollers are such a fun toy. Love your play by play of it all.
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