Kyndall’s hair length leaves a lot to be desired, at the moment, but Kaydence and Kassidy finally have hair long enough to play with (though they aren’t very good at holding still!) Recently they reached a very important milestone in a girl’s life….her first FRENCH BRAID :-) Here are some pictures from the occasion
Ryder and Kaydence---I just love the expresson on Kaydence's face
Rustin doesn't want to be left out...
The kids were being so cute that day, that we decided to get the backdrop out and take some group shots.
Kassidy, Kyndall, Ryder, Rustin and Kaydence
Kaydence, Rustin, Kassidy, Ryder and Kyndall
For the most part they were less than cooperative!
I wanted to get a group hug with all five babies, but only Kyndall and Kaydence cooperated!
Notice the three babies in the back who are trying to knock over the backdrop!
Kaydence, Rustin, Kassidy, Ryder and Kyndall----with five kids, there is always at least one who is unhappy at picture time!
The girls: Kyndall, Kaydence and Kassidy
Jayson brought in the big guns---animal cookies to use as bribery, but not even that worked!!
A hairstyle I tried on Kaiya a few weeks ago. I had seen a girl in the mall with a similar hair-do and decided to copy it!

you need to check out this site there are hairstyles upon hairstyles upon hairstyles!
you also need to go to
TONS of hairstyles for little girls with step by step instructions. done by a mom of three girls!
Curious how long it takes to do all the girls hair. It seems like it takes me 4ever if I attempt all 5 girls. Especially on church days. They are so cute though! Luv it.
Jennisa and Eva---Thanks for the links! I can't wait to try out some of those fancy hairstyles!
Maureen--On a daily basis, hair doesn't take too long since I usually just to ponytails or something simple. For the babies, I sit them on a stool in the kitchen (same spot everyday) and they usually like getting their hair done. The boys too. I have had a hard time convincing Rustin that bows are for girls :-) Sunday's are usually when I try more fancier hair-do's and even then only occasionally. We have later church, so there is time to burn in the morning anyway.
I absolutely LOVE the girls' hair! I'm in college and love to baby-sit on the weekends and am ALWAYS looking for new hairstyles to try out on the little girls. They all have their favorite 'hair-dos' and simply love to have their hair done! Just like you....I cannot wait until I have have my own little girls!!
It's amazing how much Kassidy and Kaydence look like Kaiya. The braids make them look so much older.
(Email follow up)
I have been following your blog for a while (we live in Round Rock) and enjoy your posts. I am the oldest of 6 with four brothers and one baby sister who is 12 years younger than me, so I can relate to your growing up experiences. After having 3 boys of my own, I finally had a girl! She is five months old and so far doesn't have enough hair to do much with, but I am excited for when she does. So far, we have just been experimenting with bows on clips attached to a headband and even that is fun for me. It sounds like you will have many fun years of experimenting ahead!!!
Love the braids! My 2 year old had her first one about 3 months ago. So much fun. Here's my favorite "hair blog"
So many great ideas! I'm off to check out the others that were linked.
Love the hair.
Love the photos.
Love your blog!
At least you have the talent to do that! I had 5 sisters (all younger than I) and 3 daughters and I could only get creative at prom time! They are so darling! I love to check your blog and see what your darling little family is up to!
I was always wanting to do cute hair like you are able to pull off. Alas, I'm lousy at French braids. Cute kids.
Oooo, the girly hairstyles are so cute. You'd never know they wouldn't sit still...the french braids look great!
Wow, just beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.
Just got home from UTAH, it was great to see Jayson but we missed you and all those cute kiddos.
I've never been good with girl hair or even my own hair so I'm so totally amazed at your abilities and success.
Of course you know those photos were just fabulously delightful.....thanks for sharing, they made my day.
Wow, your kids are all just beautiful! I just found your blog, and I'm so glad. I heard about your family when you were expecting through my MoM group (and sent you some of my daughters' hand-me-downs) and have been wondering how you've fared.
cute cute cute! I love those hair creatiions, those girls are getting so big - boo!
Impressive! Poor Alyssa sometimes goes a few days without a brush getting run through it. I need to be better. I can't get a french braid tight enough. Maybe I need to watch you do it.
My sister does a similar look on her daughters using french braids. It is really easy if you already know how to do a basic french braid. You start by parting the hair down the center of the head and then doing another part across the head from ear to ear. You should have four sections, each vaguely resembling a square. Put one of the front ones and three of the back ones into quick ponies to keep them out of the way. Starting from the outside corner of the front square (let's say front right), being a french braid and work towards the centre of the head, where the parts cross, drawing hair only from the front right section. Once you get to the centre, remove the rear left pony, and continue the french braid through this rear left section, drawing hair only from this section. Finish with an elastic once you reach the bottom left corner. Now repeat with the other front section. Once you reach the part, cross over the top of the previous braid and work your way into the rear right section. You will have two braids that cross the head, crossing in the centre.
This would look really pretty on Kaiya.
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