Rachelle & Arian 15 years ago!
Arian is also one of the most talented people I know. She was a member of the University Singers, the top choir at BYU and played the violin in the BYU Philharmonic Orchestra.
Because I know how musically gifted Arian is, I was excited when I heard that she was making a CD featuring her violin music. The CD was officially released on October 16th. It is entitled, “A Time To Love” and it has eleven inspirational pieces ranging from sacred to classical favorites. I got my copy a little over a week ago and I have listened to it several times. The music is BEAUTIFUL and it brings such a sweet, peaceful spirit into the home every time I play it. I LOVE this CD and I quickly ordered copies to give to everyone on my Christmas list.

Now here is the really exciting part….Arian is offering to give a FREE, autographed copy of her brand new CD to one of my blog readers! All you have to do to enter the drawing is click HERE to find the answer to this question “What is the name of the song that Arian and her Granddad played together?” Send me an email (WQplus2@gmail.com) with the answer to the question and you will be entered into the drawing to win the CD. (Hint: the answer to the question is found in the “Why I Made This Recording” blog entry.) The deadline for entering is Wednesday, November 11th at midnight CST. The winner will be notified via email and announced on my blog.
Visit Arian’s blog (http://www.ariangjohnson.blogspot.com/) to hear excerpts from the new CD or to order your own copy.
PS--I have lots of great pictures from Halloween. The quints were the "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed" and they were so cute! I should have them posted in a day or two, so check back!

OOO I want that CD
That is so crazy about your them because that is what the "4tunate" quadruplet momma did as their theme too. http://murraycrew.blogspot.com/2009/11/five-little-monkeys-jumping-on-bed.html
Every time you mention my name and link on your blog, I get hundreds of hits. I hope Arian gets a little recognition with your help:)
I don't see you posting updates on facebook....
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