This week was Kaiya’s fifth birthday. We celebrated with a small family party, but Kaiya couldn’t have been more excited. She tells everyone who walks through our door that she is now 5, and is constantly saying things like, “Today is the first time I [go to church, eat pizza, etc.] when I am five!” Because of her birthday, I decided to focus this post on Kaiya.
Kaiya and her princess birthday cake.

Kaiya is such a fun person to have in our family. She is all girl. She loves dressing up, dancing, make-up, playing with dolls and wearing pink. She is also very smart---sometimes a little too smart! Even though she is nearly three years younger than Riley, she doesn’t let that stop her from trying to do (or out-do) everything that Riley does.

Fun Facts about Kaiya
Favorite color: pink, purple and rainbow
Favorite food: chicken bundles
Most hated food: tomatoes
Favorite treat: chocolate ice cream
Favorite place to visit: Disney world
Favorite princess: Belle
Favorite things to do: help with the babies, play dress-up
Favorite restaurant: McDonald’s
Funny thing about Kaiya: She hums when she is eating something she likes.
Favorite Kaiya Quotes:
Riley: “Mom Kaiya hit me!”
Kaiya: “It was an accident!”
Riley: “Mom, what does an accident mean?”
Kaiya: “I know, I know, an accident means that you don’t go to time out, on purpose means you do go to time out.”
Kaiya: “Where does Grandma Rappleye live?”
Mom: “She lives in Utah.”
Kaiya: “Me-tah?"
Kaiya's Baby Pictures
Kaiya's Baby Announcement Picture

Just for fun, I thought I would take a poll to see which baby people think looks the most like Kaiya. You can cast your vote in the poll on the right.

She is just adorable & such a girl! LOVE the cake!
Her baby pictures are just precious! I esp. love the 8 month picture! (probably one of my fav ages with babies as they learn & explore so much)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIYA!!! You are so cute! I hope you had a great day!!!
Happy Birthday Kaiya! I think Kaydence is a dead ringer for Kaiya.
so cute! I love her pigtails and great cake--and such a diva in what I assume are new clothes! I must know more about the chicken dish that is her favorite.
That cake is really cute. What a nice post dedicated to the birthday girl!
Happy, happy!
Happy belated Birthday big sister! She is so beautiful!
Happy birthday Kaiya!
Now she's five and has five little brothers and sisters!
Wow 5! That's a big deal. There's just something about five. And it's fun for the family of the newly five year old too!
Happy Birthday Kaiya!!!
(great post, loved the quotes the best, but the pictures, cake and lead up were awesome too)
OK, I don't know how Kyndall got so many votes so far. She and Rustin are the two that don't look anything like Kaiya. I personally think it has to be between Kaydence and Ryder. Anyway, I just thought I would add that in there and maybe create some controversy.
Happy Birthday, Kaiya!
Six kids in five years!
Happy Birthday Kaiya.
The cake is fantastic, did you make it?
The cake was made by one of our favorite volunteers---a woman we affectionatly call "Gigi". She has done so much for us that she is practically part of the family. I thought the cake turned out awesome! I told her I want one just like it for my birthday :-)
Happy birthday to Kaiya! She's adorable.
My vote is Kaydence. HAppy Birthday Kaiya % is really big.
Hooray for Miss Kaiya. A very darling young lady. I love you to pieces.
Happy Birthday Kaiya! You are super cute!
So cute! I loved all of the favorite Kaiya comments. What a cute 5 year old!
Kaiya is so cute, that "me-tah" quote had me laughing out loud. Has it only been five years since we had a baby together? Seems a long time ago!
btw, Jayson, I voted Kassidy.
I haven't voted yet, as I think she looks like Kassidy and Kaydence, a combo.
Happy, Happy Birthday Miss Kaiya who is sooooo much fun. A bundle of energy, excitement and smarter than I am for sure.
Fun to see Virginia in the picture, a woman with more energy than Kaiya, and that's a lot of energy.
I also noticed in the first picture that Ryder is mesmerized by the pink heart balloon. Looks like it was a wonderful party for the BIG 5 YEAR old sister.
You don't know me, but I found your blog through another blog and then another. You know how that goes. Just wanted to tell you, you are AMAZING!! I don't know how you do it with 5 babies and two others. I have twins and an older daughter and pull my hair out daily! You can check us out at www.thebairdbunch.blogspot.com
Anyways, I also have a blog design business. Your blog is darling (I don't know how you find the time), but if you EVER want a blog makeover,I am happy to do yours for free. Check it out at www.shabbycreations.blogspot.com
My e-mail is on my site. You are AWESOME!! And your kids are to die for.
Michelle Baird
You don't know me, but I found your blog through another blog and then another. You know how that goes. Just wanted to tell you, you are AMAZING!! I don't know how you do it with 5 babies and two others. I have twins and an older daughter and pull my hair out daily! You can check us out at www.thebairdbunch.blogspot.com
Anyways, I also have a blog design business. Your blog is darling (I don't know how you find the time), but if you EVER want a blog makeover,I am happy to do yours for free. Check it out at www.shabbycreations.blogspot.com
My e-mail is on my site. You are AWESOME!! And your kids are to die for.
Michelle Baird
Wow you have some beautiful kids all of them are very very beautiful! God Bless You and your family.
I just saw a picture of riley when he was a baby in the about us section and he looks just like he does know.
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Happy Happy Birthday Kaiya! Love, Aunt Jeanie
hi! I'm a french girl so sorry for my english. I want say you congratulation for your 7 children they are very lovely
And good luck for the futur
Good Job! :)
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