Kyndall, Rustin, Kaydence, Ryder and Kassidy
Our luck finally ran out and the little virus that has been going around made it to our house and decided to stay a while. It started with Kyndall and Rustin, and then moved on to Ryder, Kaydence and Kassidy. For some, it was a cold (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, low-grade fever, and general unhappiness), but for Kyndall, Ryder and Kaydence, it blossomed into ear infections. This of course meant many sleepless nights and lots of rule breaking when it came to naps and bedtime routines. Fortunately, I think the worst is behind us and hopefully everyone will be back to full health within a few days. It will probably take a little longer than that to re-train everyone on “The Rules” and get back to sleeping (mostly) through the night.
With all the antibiotics and medications to give out around here, I have learned some tricks for getting babies to take their medicine. Contrary to popular belief, a spoonful of sugar does not help the medicine go down, at least not for my babies! Despite the yummy orange creamsicle flavor, no one wanted to take it without a fight. Here are some of the tricks that worked for me:
1—Measure out the medicine and squirt it into a bottle nipple. Have the baby suck the medicine out of the nipple. If the baby won’t take it at first, start with a pacifier and then use the bait and switch method to get them to suck on the medicine nipple. For thicker medications, a nipple with a cut in the top may be necessary. This trick works like a charm for Kyndall. Everything else we have tried with her usually results in the medicine (and anything eaten in the last couple of hours) being thrown up all over everything in a three feet radius.
2—Pinch the baby’s cheeks together, squirt the medicine into the side of the cheek and don’t let go until they swallow. With their cheeks pinched, it is harder for the baby to spit the medicine back out. Of course this method is no fun for either baby or parent, since it makes the baby pretty mad, but it does get the medicine down. One other trick when using this method is to blow on the baby’s face after putting the medicine in their mouth---this causes the baby to swallow.
3—Mix the medicine with a little bit of rice cereal and spoon it in. Try this only when the baby is hungry, and only if the baby actually likes eating cereal normally. (Hence this method does NOT work for Kyndall at our house, but works well with Kaydence and Ryder). It may be necessary to alternate bites of medicated cereal with something the baby loves like bananas or applesauce.
4—Stick a finger in the side of the baby’s mouth, squirt the medicine in and wait for the baby to swallow before removing the finger. With the finger in there, the baby can’t push the medicine back out with their tongue. I haven’t actually tried this one, but a friend that was over tonight suggested claims it works well, and it sounded good to me J
I would love to hear any tricks that other people have used, so please share them in a comment!
With all the sleep depravity going on around here, I think I have started to act a little loopy. Someone called the other day and said, “Good Morning!” To which I responded, “Good, how are you?” Oops. Then a couple of nights ago we were in the middle of the bedtime routine when someone knocked on the door to tell us that my keys, complete with a house key, were dangling from our mailbox. I hadn’t even tried to get the mail that day, so they had actually been sitting there for over 24 hours. Double oops! Fortunately no psycho baby kidnappers found the keys in that time.
I think my friends took pity on me and a couple of them came and stayed overnight to help out. My friend’s husband even came over to help one night. Wow! I don’t know many men who would be willing to do that! I definitely consider myself blessed to have such wonderful friends!
Another blessing---Target Pharmacy has color coded medicine bottles in all my colors (except pink, but red was pretty close). What a lifesaver for me. Hurray for Target!
Below are some pictures of all the Wilkinson kiddos, wearing their adorable Easter duds:

Wow... you simply amaze me. How you do it... I will never know. Love the easter pictures! All 7 are absolutely gorgeous. Keep up the great work. Thank you for the medicine tricks & tips. :)
Hi, I use something that I got from my pharmacist that I recently saw for sale at Wal-Mart. It is called Relia-Dose (it is in the section with spoons and syringes for medicines). Anyway, it is a bottle that a syringe fits into so that you can feed your baby milk or formula and as they suck you can slowly push the medicine in. The great thing is that it doesn't just mix the milk and medicine together, the medicine actually goes through the nipple directly to the baby, and they are still drinking the milk...my daughter never noticed the taste of the medicine...it worked great for us!!! Hope it helps!
Such sweet pictures!
I can't remember how I found your blog, but I wanted to say hi and that I am completely fascinated! Such a gorgeous family... and such great parents too! Looking forward to reading more, if it's ok.
Wow! You guys are incredible! My husband and I are expecting twin girls and just read the article about you in the BYU magazine! We thought two was going to be tough, but holy cow, you guys have done amazing with your seven little ones! I don’t typically post comments on people’s blogs that I don’t know, but I just wanted to let you guys know you’re inspiring. Congratulations on the success of your pregnancy, delivery, and the first few months. Best of luck in the future!
Great pictures. I think you had some great medicine tips. I found blowing in the face can help as it makes them swallow. When my kiddos are really determined I have to use the force them method you talked about. I hate giving meds! I have four kids my youngest are a set of twins. When illness strikes it horrible. I cannot imagine what you have been dealing with. Schedule is everything and illness certainly ruins schedules. Hope all is back to normal soon. Such cute photos.
Just saw your blog...a nurse at my doctor's office taught us a trick. When a babies head is lower than their tushies their mouth opens in a reflex. Works everytime!
Yah, we're all about the face blowing 'round here.
Good luck getting things back to normal and CUTE pics!
Um, that cute Redheaded Rustin has stolen my heart!
We've always used the blow method at our house. I think all your methods sound completely sane and totally needed in desperate times!
Glad Jayson was able to make it to the wedding and you survived your first round of illness - which in itself is a miracle . . . Chris Lee had 10 ear infections his first year and he was a singleton! You guys are doing it all right!
Such great photos of the kids! My two are actually (thankfully) ready and willing to take medicine (they are just getting over strep). If they see me shaking up the bottle before giving them a dose, they come running over, shaking their hands like I shake the bottle, and line up for a taste! We did go for a time that my son didn't like any medicine after having something for croup that tasted bad...but he's back to taking it like a champ! I think they'll be sad when the medicine is gone! haha!
Oh man, no fun! Thank goodness for color coded medicine caps and good friends to help! They all look so great in their Easter clothes. Riley and Kaiya are looking especially grown up!
My medicine trick was always the blowing in the baby's face to get them to swallow. It worked like a charm. I also try to get the syringe filled with the medicine and squirt it far back next to the cheek and then blow. If it's not right in front of the mouth it seems to help with the spitting out.
Your family is beautiful :) I don't know how you do it either. When I have 2 sick kids at the same time I feel like pulling my hair out.
As far as getting my boys to take medicine, I just pinch their cheeks, put the syringe in and squirt the medicine down trying not to let them spit it back out. Since they are older, they actually enjoy taking medicine, go figure!!!
WOW! So sorry you have had a house full of sickness. I just dread when it hits my house too because all nine are sure to get it. (we just finished the "lovely" vomit virus last week after having it take 2 1/2 weeks to work through all the kids. How fun!
I LOVE that Target color codes the meds! So much easier than giving the wrong meds to the wrong kids. LOL
ps I think you basically spelled out every medicine trick i have ever used. :)
* OH yes! I have to say- the pics are just GORGEOUS! And little Rustin's smile! HOLY! He melts my heart!
Those pictures just made me catch my breath as my eyes teared up....
Those cute babies are sitting up by all on their own.
As always wonderful pics of all the kids.
Much love to you all
Such cute Easter pictures. Sorry to hear about the sickness bout.
I am enjoying reading about all your babies...don't know how you do it!!
I have 3 kids and with our youngest, he likes to spit the meds out. So we do the "pinch the cheek" method and squirt it in the side of the mouth and it works great, although we do it with him laying down. The laying down part seems to be key since it's really hard to spit meds back up that way! Your methods sound like they would really do great though...I'll have to keep those in mind!
When my daughter was a baby (12 years ago) I actually found a "medicine bottle". It looked like a dosage cup (very small) and it has a nipple that went over the top of it. I was able to put the medicine in the little container - pop the nipple on and give it to her. Don't know if they still make these but it would be worth looking into - especially with 5 babies to medicate! Best of luck.
KS Dallas
That stinks that the kiddos have been sick. We have the flu and croup at our house. I feel for you. The easter pics are adorable. I am also amazed that you did an easter egg hunt, got all the kids dressed, got ready yourself, and were only a few minutes late for church (especially when you go at 9:00)! You are my new hero!
Your kiddos are too cute!! Sorry to hear that a few have been sick..that's no fun!
Gorgeous gorgeous children! WOW! And I nodded all the way through your post about medicine dispensing. Tried and true tricks, all of them. We actually bought a pacifier medicine dispenser. It has a plunger to help "encourage" the medicine removal from the pacifier dispenser. Genius!
I just crack up everytime I read your blog...I just still can't believe you have 7 kids. Yep, my kids (only 2) have both battled ear infections and had to take the yucky medicine...and we tried all your methods and they all worked on them. Thank goodness. They eventually caught on to the bottle nipple one though and resisted that one. I'm sad I haven't seen your mom at all since your shower. Karen is coming for 2 weeks in April...we'll have to go see her!
I always mix medicine with applesauce, you can't taste the medicine mixed with it, the applesauce is very strong tasting. Also my 11 month old loves tylenol (pretty sad, I know) and if I put her other meds into an empty tylenol bottle she'll take it no problem. Mind over matter even at a young age! BTW your kiddos are adorable! Hope they are better soon.
I work as a nurse in the NICU (and am also the mother of a 6 month old) and the "trick" we use is to mix the medicine with a half an ounce or so of formula/breastmilk and give it in a seperate bottle at the beginning of the feeding, then you can "wash it down" with the rest of the medicine-free feeding. Has worked well at the hospital and works well for us at home to give vitamins, and the aweful tasting steroids for croup!
P.S. ALL of your kids are absolutely adorable! :O)
I just found out about your lovely family from my mother - she reads Meridian Magazine and sent me a link. What a wonderful attitude you have, and I think it's amazing you even have time to blog - we had twins 2 yrs ago and that was exhausting enough. I can only imagine what it is like with 5 - all with happy smiles! I look forward to reading more of your insights. :)
We have to give our little girl (6 months) reflux medicine twice a day so we have had to learn a trick or two! We always give it to her before a bottle so now she takes it better cause she knows a bottle is coming. Laying her flat we use a syringe and squirt about 1/2 in the back of her throat and then stick her paci in and then repeat. Works great! Love the Easter pictures....beautiful.
I will never complain about westons problem with ear infections again! Three babies with them at once is unfathomable! They all really look so cute in their easter clothes (that Kassidy, what a beauty!)
This is the most wonderful and inspiration blog I have ever seen! I have spent hours today reading and looking at the pictures. Your children are all so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. I saw the article in Meridian Magazine and then googled to find your blog. You are an amazing woman!
Thanks for all the great tips Rachelle. I'm sorry that the quints are sick. I'm sure that was really hard since Jayson was gone for a few days. I'm glad you had so many volunteers to help out.
Rachelle, I don't know how you do it. They are all so beautiful. I found out October 2nd that I was going to have identical twins and I still feel overwhelmed they were born on the 8th of February and are still in the hospital hopefully coming home soon the doctors are saying the end of April. They were born at 28 and a half weeks. I have a blog of mostly just pictures and videos not to much verbiage. I like the tips on how to give medications I will have to try them out with the boys. They are most likely coming to be coming home on vitamins. It should be fun. stop by and see the twins if you get a second. I look forward to seeing more. Amanda Lee
Your kids are gorgeous
I worked for a doctors office where meds had to be given on an empty stomach. We found that laying the child down with their head the lowest worked to open the mouth. We used all of your methods. But when those didn't work you can plug the nose and then give the meds. Then the child will swallow so they breathe through their mouth. Works really well for AWEFUL tasting meds.
Your children are all very beautiful! What blessings!
I love the beautiful Easter pictures. Isn't it worth all the hard work. I remember the night before Easter sunday (our big debut at church) laying out all the clothes (babies and mine),getting the car seats, diaper bags and everything else you can imagine ready for the big day! I still broke a big sweat getting them all ready but it was SO fun in the end. it worked out perfectly! hope they're all doing better!
It makes me crazy to think about all those sick little babies. I don't know how you do it. You are amazing.
This is truly amazing. Your children are beautiful and it looks like you are handling everything with style. Congratulations, I know that's late but I just stumbled on your blog.
You kids are SO cute!! I am in love. I am sitting here with your brother Ryan and he showed me your blog! What a beautiful family you have!
I LOVE the Easter duds and great job on the pictures....I can't believe you went with jayson out of town, but your mom is a rockstar. Is she still here? Lets schedule picts so i can make it over sometime.
awesome color coded medicines!
Beautiful Easter pictures! My daughter is expecting her first baby in July, so she checks out your blog often to get advice on everything from diaper brands to medicine. She thinks that if anyone's an expert at baby stuff, it has to be you! Best wishes for all of your children.
Christie Christopherson of the Leander Ward just down the street :-)
My sister has been great friends with Kristen Duke since their "high school" days and I am good friends with Andrea Tholstrom so it has been so fun to read about your family after hearing so much about them! Your family is gorgeous...those kids have the most charming, happy smiles! I am impressed at the way you and your husband are dealing with all the experiences that come your way. It truly is motivating and inspiring. Thank you for being willing to share your amazing journey! You are truly blessed!
Karen, my mom, Connie Brown, your mom, and I got together for lunch the other day! It was so fun to see pics of everyone's kids and catch up! Wish you could've been there! Next time you're in AZ we'll have to do it again and make Karen fly down.
Oh you have beautiful children!!! :D
You are amazing! I will definitely be checking back to see your cute kids.
Wow! You're just amazing! You have a beautiful family, and I love it! Hugs from Italy
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