The kids couldn't come inside the temple, so they found a shady alcove to wait in.
My dad (aka Papa) taking Ryder and Rustin for a walk while we wait for the bride and groom to come out.
Jayson used his mad video skills to make the wedding video for Ashlyn and her new hubby, Jared, so he spent most of the day behind his camera.
Kaiya and Riley with the amazing pool in the background
Rachelle, Tiare (my sister) and Mimi (my mom)----On this trip I had a lot of people think that my mom was my sister and that my sister was my daughter.....I am not sure if that means that I am looking older, or just that I have young looking family members!
Shane (my brother), my Grandma Rappleye, and Tiare. My Grandma just celebrated her 89th birthday---Doesn't she look great?
Papa (my dad), who sat by the pool the entire reception to make sure no one fell in!
GG, aka "superwoman", who watched the kids a ton so that I could help with the wedding
When the kids discovered the large stepping stones, they were entertained for at least 30 minutes!
The highlight of the evening (for the kids) was dancing! My sister and cousins showed them some good moves.
The buffet table. My mom was in charge of the food for the wedding and I did what I could to help. I think she does an amazing job! It looked so beautiful when she was done. We went to a friends wedding reception a few days later that was professionally catered, but it didn't even hold a candle to this one!
My contribution to the wedding food was to make the chicken salad and 250 rolls for sandwiches (above), and dip Oreo balls and cream puffs (below).

I love that picture of dad with the boys! So cute!
Why couldnt the kids be in the temple?
Beautiful wedding...the kids look darling...and what a pretty setting!!!
love the stepping stone pictures. And the individul pictures of the kids at the buffet, Kassidy looks so content to be there with her cookie.
To answer the question about why the kids couldn't be in the temple...The ordinances that are performed in temples are very sacred and only members in good standing are allowed inside once the temple is dedicated. Children are really too young to understand, so they don't have the opportunity to go inside until they are older.
Do you share recipes? Those oreo balls have never shown up at my Relief Society gatherings!
Best Wishes!
What fun to view all these wonderful pictures. Virginia looks amazing, and yes she is Superwoman just behind you.
So fun! This must be the summer of weddings for you.
Interesting that people thought Tiare was your daughter and your Mom was your sister. I agree that your Mom looks young. However to me you certainly don't look old enough to have a daughter Tiare's age. GEEZ!
We miss having you guys here! It was so fun to see you! The food you made was amazing and Jayson's video was also just amazing! Talented family! Your whole family looks young:) Your kids look so cute eating and jumping on the stones! I'm grateful for you dad for being the pool gaurd.. scary to have an ungated pool at such a big event!!! It was so fun to see you all!
Long time lurker first time commenter. Very cute pictures of the kids! Everyone looks to be having a great time.
I have a question since I am not familiar with LDS practices - why were the kids not allowed in the temple for the ceremony?
Whoops - missed your answer!
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