The little kids didn't seem to care that the big pool wasn't finished---they had a blast playing in the kiddie pools.
Just Chillin'---Kassidy and Kaydence
One of the kids favorite activities from the trip was a visit to the "Bouncy Jungle"---a large inflatable playplace.
The big slide---fun for toddlers and parents alike! Mimi and Rachelle with Kaydence, Kassidy, Ryder, Kyndall and Rustin
The big Velcro wall blocks were also a big hit. Rustin, Kyndall, Kassidy, Kaydence and Ryder
The kids ate all their meals at a little picnic table in the kitchen.
Riley's birthday happened to fall on the day of the wedding, so we officially celebrated on another day instead. Riley's favorite birthday "cake" is the Double Cream Lemon pie from Marie Callendars. Fortunately June is discount pie month at Marie Callendars so that works out pretty nicely!
Mimi, Tiare, Rachelle, Jayson and Riley
Jayson, Riley, Rachelle, & Kaiya
Riley got a kid-sized guitar for his birthday, which he was very excited about!
While in Arizona, we also packed in visits with as many friends and family members that we could.
Rachelle & Candice with Ryder, Kaydence, Kassidy, Kyndall and Rustin. Candice (aka Dr. Park) was the resident who delivered the quints three years ago. She has since married and is expecting her own baby (just one).
Shannon & Rachelle...Shannon was my best friend in high school and my college freshman roommate. It has been 13 years since we have seen each other, and it was so fun to get our families together!
Blast from the Past---this is Shannon and I moving into our dorm room our freshman year at BYU. Don't you just love the hair and clothes? How about those three-inch high shoulder pads?? I never left home without them!
We met some of my cousins at Chick-fil-a for lunch one day
One of my cousins has a new baby and the quints were totally fascinated by him!
My aunt and uncle own a Mathenasium, and since I am sure my kids are all child geniuses, we thought they could get ahead on their math skills while we were there. Actually, I think the only math they did was counting the candy pieces my aunt Jeanie kept slipping them when I wasn't looking :-)
When we realized that swimming in my parent's pool was not going to happen this trip, we found another pool to swim in. I got Puddle Jumper life vests for the quints this year and so far I love them---The kids still need lots of supervision, but I feel a little bit more secure with them wearing the life jackets!
Ready to swim: Riley, Rustin, Ryder, Kaiya, Kyndall, Kassidy and Kaydence
Ryder--the friend whose pool we borrowed just happened to have goggles in all the quints colors!
Eating push-up pops in the pool

ha ha ha oh man, rachelle, don't know how you are doing it with 7 kids, im on my second and pulling my hair out!! i wish we still got to see eachother in naperville! hope you are doing great...we sure do miss you guys and your parents! luv, karen
Beautiful pictures! :) Looks like a GREAT time was had by all!
I love the first couple pictures with all the kids in one pool and Kaydence by herself in the other.
Kaiya sure has a cute swimsuit!
Wow, sounds like so much fun!!
You got a lot of visiting in there too!!
Still reading your blog for about 2.5 yrs now :)I hope I get to meet you someday since I feel like I kinda know you by reading your blog. What a fun pic of you in Heritage Halls! What hall was that?
Hi Deanna--I lived in Maeser Hall. I think it might be a boys dorm now, but it was girls when I was there! Where do you live?
We LOVE our puddle jumper. The absolute best vest for kids from 2 to swimming! (well, officially 30 pounds to 50 but my son wore his last September at 28 pounds and his friend can fit in at 25 pounds)
Don't you wish they had swimsuits for little girls that covered as well as for the boys?
Or do you not have problems with the kids getting sunburns?
BTW have you started thinking about what they are getting for their third birthday yet?
My Boaz's Ruth: We are planning on keeping the presents for the quints birthday pretty low-key this year. They will get enough stuff from other people that I don't know how much more they will need! I am thinking dress-up clothes for the girls and more train stuff for the boys :-)
I lived in F Smith Hall. Fun times :)
Hi Rachelle, I sure could see that you've got a fun time with the quints (+ 2)! Plus, I love how you're so patient with your kids! God bless
Fun vacation! I'm sorry the pool wasn't finished in time. I love your swimsuit Rachelle. Where did you get it?
HA I LOVE that BYU pic!!! Your friend looked like DJ tanner to me at first! How fun!! I love the little pools, so sad about the big ones but it's awesome she has that huge porch to put those little ones on:) Those life jackets look awesome, I should find one like that! Can't wait for you guys to come visit again! We'll have to take all your kids out to the dairy.. ha!
rachelle i am 11 and i have been reading you blog for like 2.5 years i would like to meet you have you thought of making a trip to kings island! in Mason ohio! i live in northern kentucky though! but in kings island they have a kiddie area and it would fun for every1!!!!!!!! i also have a facebook and myspace
Tobi---I got my swim suit at the ultra chic (not) Sam's Club :-)
Kiera--The kids would love to come out to the farm! I think next time we are in AZ they will be old enough. It was so fun to see you guys
Kayleigh--I have never heard of King's Island but it sounds like fun! I think that after this summer, I am going to stay away from road trips for a while, least until next year!
ok well that soundsfun if you are under 2 you get in free! you could lie and say there are 2! because ticket wouuld be $60 apeice and 60x10 is like 600 but if you say there are 2 then it would be 60x4 is like only 200!
I missed seeing you at Chick-fil-a this year! Looks like so much fun - good luck on the next trip - can't imagine!
i have been reading some of your posts, and i can't understand how you do it! 7 kids , 5 of them the same age (and the "terrible two"!!!) . You are a super super woman, really
congrats, your family is awesome
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