Ryder and the Longhorn size each other up
Riley tries to befriend the longhorns
Not all of the longhorns were happy to have us invade their territory---this one decided to voice his opinion
Kyndall showed no fear with the animals. This one was a baby that we could pet and hand feed. Kyndall was fascinated, but then the cow decided he was done being "Mr. Nice Guy" and knocked her down (this picture was the moment before impact). Fortunately nothing was hurt but her pride. She kept her distance after that!
Kaiya and Kaydence: Kaydence and Kassidy were a little more apprehensive about the large beasts. They insisted on being held for the first hour we were there....then they loosened up a little.
Rachelle with Kyndall, Ryder and Rustin
All the kids: Back: Kassidy, Riley, Kaiya, Front: Ryder, Rustin, Kaydence and Kyndall
The kids loved the golf cart that the owner drove around. They were ecstatic when he took them for a ride!
I didn't even think it was possible to fit 12 kids plus an adult driver on one golf cart!
Bluebonnets and Longhorns----The Wilkinson Family: Ryder, Jayson, Rustin, Rachelle, Kassidy, Kyndall, Riley, Kaiya and Kaydence
I was so busy smiling at the camera that I didn't realize how close the cows were getting, or that they were getting a little bit tired of us hanging around. Bob quickly stepped in to calm them down!
Kyndall and Rachelle (Kyndall was so busy that I couldn't get her to stop long enough to smile for an individual shot for me. She looooooves flowers!)
Rustin---true to his nature, Rustin mostly wanted to destroy the bluebonnets.
My friend and photographer, Kristen Duke, also came a long and got some great pictures (including a really cute one of the quints sitting on the fence). Check them out HERE.
I LOVE your "young longhorn" shot--very nice! I also love the cart and 12 kids, and lastly, i love the one of you and 3 kids, the boys each holding onto a different finger. THAT is motherhood to multiples:) We had fun with you guys! McD pics on my family blog.
Wow these were awesome pics!!!! Woo hoo Hook 'em Horns! Were did you guys take these? We found a great meadow here in Kyle near our home, funny enough at a cemetery! Here's my blog post of bluebonnet pics: http://spenceohana.blogspot.com/2010/04/bluebonnets-in-our-backyard.html
i didnt know you could get so close to the longhorns. great photos!
I love all those pictures in the bluebonnets! The longhorns were cool too. My favorite picture was the one with everyone in the golf cart, that was fun and kind of artistic looking.
Babies are enjoying here..Golf cart Alberta
You got some great bluebonnet pics. The one of your quints on the fence is too cute!
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